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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

Catcher in the Rye Bread

I was trying to shut out the buzz at the table when I realized my dad was talking to me. Just to humor him I listened to his dumb old story about going to a deli about a hundred years ago. They probably had cool things like cars with big fins and transistor radios and […]

Hot and Smoky Red Beans and rice

I’ve never been to New Orleans, but my first Seattle roommate was a recent transplant who plunged me headfirst into its culture. With rabid enthusiasm he’d leap out of his chair, yank the needle off whatever album was playing at the time, and plop another record in its place.

‘You’ve never heard The Wild Tchoupitoulas?’ […]

Bialystok Rolls crusted with Salted Onion and Poppy Seeds

This is about a tasty roll that was nearly lost to history.

Around a hundred years ago in Poland’s largest northern city, Bialy culture took over in a mad rush, flamed, and went out. You could buy one of these rolls – with their signature oniony middles – from any of a hundred places in […]

Back to the Fire: Pear Pecan Pizza

The timing of an email from my local clean air agency was uncanny. At the very moment I had lit my first fire in weeks the atmosphere turned on me. From the eerie stillness in the air that hung around our back porch, the too-strong fragrance of my barely burning fire, and the layered fabric […]

Truffle Honey with Brie at the Italian Market in Philly

We were ogling the biggest provolone I’d ever seen – hundred pound cheeses that hung in heavily roped tubes – when a great booming voice startled us.

“Hey, you two!” A fleshy, bespectacled guy glared at us from behind the counter. “If all you’re gonna do is stand there shooting the bull.” …I was totally […]

Homebaked Cheese Crackers

It’s always a wonder to me that more home bakers don’t make their own crackers. As long as you stick to a few basics and keep an eagle eye on them while they’re baking, crackers are surprisingly easy to make. This recipe yields crunchy cheddar cheese crackers that are sure to be a hit at […]

Festivus Fare: Faux Chicken Parmigiana with green beans

We’re an equal opportunity household here at Chez Bullhog, open to just about any holiday celebration. So when our legislators floated proposals for decorating the capitol building here in Washington State, I had to cheer their consideration for putting up a Festivus Pole. I’m all for cross-cultural connections, after all.

In lieu of meatloaf, however, […]

Panettone baked in Parchment Paper Collars

I love finding alternative uses for things I already have on hand. So when it hit me that I could bake high-rising panettone in the same tins that next week I’ll be filling with cookies, it really struck a chord.

See at Chez Bullhog, Italian style Panettone has become a holiday tradition. Studded with dried […]

Philadelphia Hoagies and other Great Sandwiches

It really doesn’t take a lot to make a guy from Philly happy at lunchtime. Send him to a clean and basic restaurant that does a tasty hoagie or a nice cheesesteak and he’ll be smiling ’till dinnertime. As any Philly boy or girl can tell you, a sandwich like this is good for the […]

Aunt Marie’s Dinner Rolls

And so I was transported back to my Aunt Marie’s little kitchen with its wonderful smells where once I sat to watch her make dinner rolls while the other kids played hide-and-seek in her attic rumpus room. Her rolls were nothing too fancy, just real ingredients turned with a loving hand in just a few hours into soft and delicious wonders. Here’s my take on them. […]

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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.