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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

How-to Video: Making Dinner Rolls

This entertaining as well as instructional video follows Sortachef’s recipe for making Aunt Marie’s Dinner Rolls. For a better viewing experience, click the 4-arrow icon at the bottom right to watch it full screen. Enjoy! Play time: 8 minutes



Wild Chanterelle Risotto

Morning mist rose off the Tiber as Mauro swung his little van onto the forbidden streets of our Roman neighborhood. Sunlight glistened at a low angle, highlighting every crack and crevice in the faces of 15th century tenements. Wheels clattered against cobbles and slowed.

‘It’s okay,’ he assured us, conspiratorially as he eased the van […]

Days of Bread and Apple Butter

We’re making apple butter this week at Chez Bullhog. The house smells of October: sweet and cinnamony with bright apple overtures and a background of toffee. To complete the effect, a faint haze of smoke hangs in the air, tinged with the smell of home baked bread. That sweet smoke coming from the woodfired oven […]

Autumn Bounty: Fresh Chanterelles with Acorn Squash Ravioli

At Chez Bullhog, we absolutely love chanterelles. Sautéed with a knob of butter and a bit of salt and pepper, they’ve been the quintessential taste of autumn around here for years. Just the thought of chanterelles evokes falling leaves, the smell of the forest floor, and the thrill of the hunt.

While I like to […]

Veggie Cottage Pie in the Peak District

The tang of coal smoke hangs in the air as we heft our packs and make our way through the cobbled streets of Glossop. Out past the clusters of stone houses, all tumbled together, we rise to a low ridge that takes in views of glorious dales gleaming in hazy sunshine. The air up here […]

Fresh for Autumn: Hearty Lentil Stew

A favorite on our table, this tasty offering is vegetarian comfort food at its best!

Makes 10-12 servings

1 pound dry brown lentils

2 quarts cold water

12 ounces diced carrots

10 ounces chopped onion


Mushroom Lovers’ Bruschetta

My little Scottish grandmother looked at me through the lenses of her silver-rimmed glasses. ‘You do what?’ Her voice was shrill. We were talking about hunting wild mushrooms. Obviously, she did not approve.

Trawling the shops on New Hope’s main street some time later, we ended up in a slick store that sold cheeses […]

Fasolia Gigantes Plaki: Big Greek Beans baked in a Bodacious Red Sauce

I thumbed through the wine-stained menu at a popular taverna in Aghios Nikolais on the eastern edge of Crete. Meat, lamb and meat it said in four languages; in a succession of loud tourist restaurants it had been the same now every night for a week. Here, jammed up against the wall of the kitchen, […]

Mountain Man Bread with Creamy Chopped Broccoli Soup

The chain saw whined and dug in for another bite. I inspected the deep wedge carefully and took one last look at my dog-eared copy of ‘Lumberjacking for Dummies’. Somewhere into my final cut the tall tree shivered and then, with sharp staccato snaps it leaned to one side, accelerated in its fall and – […]

Doris Light Zucchini Bread

Here’s one of those recipes that pops out of my folder when I see burstingly fresh zucchini at the produce stand. It’s adapted from a recipe that’s been passed around in my family as ‘Doris Fenton’s Zucchini Bread’ for donkey’s years and so, when I cut half the oil from the original recipe and tweaked […]

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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.